HIRED Overview

The problem of homelessness and people experiencing homelessness is it has become something that has become very visible and a high priority with the general public. For those who work in the homeless field and with people experiencing homelessness they know that it is a very complex problem that has no simple solutions. Experts in the field will tell you that there is no easy fix as people experience homelessness for many reasons and some in reality are able to be fixed or easily fixed. Some of the reasons that people experience homelessness include:

  • Lack of affordable housing
  • Unemployment
  • Poverty
  • Mental illness or lack of needed services
  • Substance abuse
  • Bad circumstances
  • Escape domestic violence
  • A personal choice

The HIRED Program looks to address one aspect of why people experience homelessness and that is not having a job. Losing your job and not having income is the primary reason why a segment of the homeless population is on the streets. HIRED looks to address this segment by putting on HIRED events to give people experiencing homelessness the opportunity to get hired and change their life.

Homeless – People who are experiencing homelessness are in need of employment. Many are unable to get employment because they do not have a mailing address, phone number or are passed over due to fears related to hiring someone who is homeless.

Integrated – We are taking an integrated approach of bringing employers to the table where these people experiencing homelessness and filling a niche as employers are having problems finding workers.

Redefined – We are redefining how employers are seeking out people to fill their open positions. Many companies are having operational issues due to the lack of workers which is affecting their ability to keep their doors open, expand operations and service their clients and customers.

Employment – Our employers have open jobs ready to be filled. Participants at a HIRED event can be hired on the spot and start a new outlook on their life and serve as a game changer for a new tomorrow.

Development – A HIRED event will allow participants the ability to acquire things that will help them become more employable.

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